
"If you believe in GOD, there is NO Question"

"If you Don't Believe in GOD, there is NO Answer"


 You can now watch our Worship Service live on Sundays at 11:00 am EST by video streaming. 

** scroll through the services listed -look for "ON AIR"

CLICK HERE for live services 

Archive also available for previous services.  

Link to Residing Hope


New Christian Talk Radio now on in Valdosta area!  88.5 FM

AFR is a broadcast ministry of the American Family Association. Their mission is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and inform the Christian Community about what is happening in our country and how, we together, can stand for Christian values in our government and in our culture. The website is   AFR.NET

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Are you looking for a Church Home?

Welcome to God's House! The Madison First Methodist Church might be the place you're looking for. We already love you in Christ and wish to know you in a personal relationship. As members of the First Methodist Church in Madison, Florida, we would count it a privilege to welcome you into this community of faith. If you wish to explore membership, please tell any of our members, or contact Rev. Jack Tilk or the church office at (850) 973-6295.

If you are considering relocating to our area, we would love to have you be our guest for Sunday School and worship.

When you visit our church, you will find:

A caring congregation that will welcome you
Preaching/teaching that is centered on the Word of God
Ministries to meet the spiritual needs of every age
A corporate outlet for truth-filled and moving praise and worship

In His Care, Pastor Jack Tilk. 


Mission Statement:

The purpose of Madison First Methodist Church is to make
Disciples of Jesus Christ who then make Disciples of Jesus Christ. We
exist to help people meet Jesus, know Jesus, and serve Jesus.

Vision Statement:
Madison First Methodist Church fulfills the need for a safe place
to consider and respond to the Gospel Message. We insure that all those
we encounter experience the warm and helpful support they need as they
walk life's journey. We commit ourselves to living the Biblical model of
the church.


We stand on the following values:
We obey the Great Commandment by loving God first, then loving each other after the example of Christ's love for us. (Matthew 22: 37-39).

We fulfill the Great Commission as we make disciples, baptizing them and helping them grow in obedience to Christ. (Matthew 28: 19-20).

We are convinced that what matters to God also matters to us. We believe that no Church can stand still. Its relationship with God is a journey that must move forward or die. We follow the example of Jesus, serving people as we promote justice and fulfill their physical and spiritual needs. We stand firmly on our heritage as a Methodist which is grounded in the primacy of Scripture as informed by Christian tradition, enlivened in experience, and tested by reason. Christ centered worship, prayer, giving, and service represent natural responses to a meaningful relationship with our living Savior.


  • Bulletin Announcements

    ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CHURCH HOME? Welcome to God’s House! The Madison First Methodist Church might be the place you are looking for. We already love you in Christ and wish to know you in a personal relationship. As members of First Methodist Church of Madison, Florida, we would count it a privilege to welcome you into this community of faith. If you wish to explore membership, please tell any of our members or contact the church office at 973-6295.


    CHURCH COMMITTEES:  If you are interested in serving on a committee, please fill out a form (located in the Narthex) and return it to the church office.


    OUR SPECIAL $1.00:  Please remember to bring your $1.00 to the altar each week to help those in need. The Church and the Community Thanks You! (If you do not feel comfortable coming to public worship, you can mail in a donation and put in the memo for the Dot Davis Fund, or to the Altar Fund.)  Funds collected help the local needy.


    TITHES-OFFERINGS-DONATIONS: We don't pass the collection plate during service; there is a box for tithes and offerings in the sanctuary before and during service. Optionally, you may mail your tithes and offerings to the church or come by the church office. You may also set up automatic payments for your tithes and donations by calling your local bank to have a check mailed to the church. If you have any questions, give the church office a call.


    MEMORIAL GIFTS: When you send a gift to the church in memory of someone, the funds will go into the Building Fund unless they are designated.


    DIRECTORY INFORMATION: Please contact Julie Maultsby, Directory Administrator, at the address or number below for any questions, corrections, updates or for directory access information. There is also an insert in each black pew registration pad for your convenience. If you want a printed copy of our church directory, please let her know. Call her at 850-973-0120 or email her at fumcconnect@embarqmail.com


    MISSION MOMENT: If you are currently involved in a mission project, or are organizing an upcoming project, I would like to hear from you! A "Mission Moment" will be added periodically over the year to our church service. This will be a 2 to 3-minute time slot for a designated individual to advertise a current or upcoming mission activity. The purpose is to inform the congregation of details concerning mission activities and to invite members to participate in those activities. If you would like to provide a Mission Moment, or know someone who may, please e-mail me back and I will get you on the list. <juliemaultsby@gmail.com> Yours in Christ, Julie Maultsby